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How to Communicate Effectively in Code Reviews

Akshat Biyani
Akshat Biyani

As a developer, it’s frustrating to have the right technical and creative skills but stumble while communicating your ideas. This becomes even harder when not speaking in your native language. 

But you’re not alone! Many talented developers feel nervous about participating in code reviews and expressing complex ideas in English.

The good news? With the right approach and some practice, you can become more clear and confident when communicating in code reviews.

This article will give you a toolbox full of techniques to help you express your ideas accurately, understand feedback from others, and contribute meaningfully to code reviews. 

Let's dive in and start improving your English communication skills together!

What are Code Reviews?

In the world of software development, a code review is like a friendly check-up for your code. 

When developers write new code or make changes to existing code, they often ask their teammates to review it before it becomes part of the main project. 

This process is called a code review. 

What does code reviewer do?

During a code review, other developers examine the code for several things:

  1. They check for bugs or errors that might cause problems.
  2. They look at how well the code is written and organized.
  3. They consider if the code follows the team's agreed-upon standards and best practices.
  4. They might suggest ways to make the code work better or easier to understand.

Code reviews are super important because they help catch mistakes early, improve the overall quality of the project, and share knowledge among team members. 

As a non-native English speaker, you shouldn’t avoid code reviews, as they are a valuable part of being on a software development team. They are a chance for everyone to learn from each other and make the code as good as it can be. 

Why is Communication Important in Code Reviews?

After spending hours on a tricky piece of code, you might be really proud of your work! But without the input of your teammates, you might miss out on even better results.

On the other hand, if you see a problem or can suggest an improvement to a teammate’s work, how you communicate can make a big difference in how they feel and how the final product works. 

Good communication in code reviews

Good communication in code reviews helps with: 

  1. Clarity: You need to explain your code clearly so others can understand your thinking.
  2. Learning: Good communication helps everyone learn from each other.
  3. Problem-solving: When issues come up, clear communication makes it easier to find solutions together.
  4. Team Building: Positive, respectful communication helps build a strong, supportive team.
  5. Efficiency: Clear communication can speed up the review process and save time for everyone.

The goal of a code review isn't to criticize but to collaborate and improve the code together. Good communication skills make this possible.

Tips for Better Communication in Code Reviews

Let’s talk about specific practices and strategies for improving communications during these situations. 


These tips are useful for everyone, but they're especially helpful if English isn't your first language.

1. Be Clear and Concise

When writing code review comments, prioritize clarity and simplicity. You might know a lot of technical jargon, but stick to only what is necessary to make your point.

You might think that long, complicated sentences will convey what you mean better. But these can be difficult to get right. Use short, simple ones instead that make your ideas easier to understand and remember.

For example:

  • Instead of: "I have implemented a function that calculates the average of an array of numbers by summing all elements and dividing by the length of the array."
  • Try: "This function calculates the average of an array. It sums all numbers and divides by the array length."

2. Be Specific and Actionable

Being concise is important, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of specificity. Vague feedback can be frustrating and unhelpful. 

Instead of general comments, provide specific examples and actionable suggestions.

  • Instead of: "This function seems a bit inefficient."
  • Try: "Consider using a dictionary instead of a list here to improve lookup time."

Most code review tools allow you to comment on particular lines. When giving feedback, point to specific lines or sections of code. 

This makes it easier for the author to understand and address your comments.

  • For example: “In line 27, we might want to add a null check before calling this method."

This makes your feedback more valuable and demonstrates your understanding of the code.

3. Use Code Examples

Sometimes, it's easier to explain your point with a code example. It can help a lot when dealing with specific implementation details.

When you do this, make sure to format your code correctly. Most code review tools allow you to write code in markdown format.

You can use “#Instead of this” before their code and “Consider this” before your suggested code.

4. Be Polite and Respectful

Always remember to be polite in your comments. You may not even realize it, but phrasing can make a big difference in how your teammate feels. 

Ultimately, code reviews are about the code, not the person who wrote it, so you should keep the focus on that.

Use phrases that suggest rather than command. 

For example:

  • "Have you considered..."
  • "It might be helpful to..."
  • "What do you think about..."

This approach creates a more positive and collaborative atmosphere.

5. Provide Context

You might be simple and specific, but a teammate might still not understand you or implement your suggestions if they don’t understand the context. 

Although you know why you’re asking them to make a change, they might now. So, when suggesting changes, explain why. 

Providing context helps your team understand your line of thinking and can lead to more productive discussions.

For example:

  • Instead of: "Use a dictionary here."
  • Try: "Using a dictionary here could make the lookup faster, especially with larger datasets. It would change the time complexity from O(n) to O(1) for lookups."

6. Use Visual Aids

Much like using a code example, a visual aid shows something that’s hard to explain. 

Don't hesitate to use diagrams or screenshots to communicate complex ideas. You can say something like:

"I've created a quick diagram to show how these classes interact. Here's the link."

Visual aids can be particularly helpful when discussing system architecture or complex workflows.

7. Acknowledge Good Code

Code reviews aren't just about finding problems. If you see something you like, say so! 

This encourages good practices and creates a positive atmosphere. 

You could say:

"I really like how you've structured this function. It's very easy to read and understand."

8. Use Online Tools

If you're unsure about your English, use online tools like Grammarly to check your writing before posting comments. 

This can help you catch simple mistakes and improve your confidence. 

However, keep in mind that these tools aren't always perfect, especially for technical details. 

9. Learn Technical English

Focus on learning English terms specific to programming and your technology stack. You can even have a list of common phrases ready for different situations.

This will make it easier to understand and participate in technical discussions during code reviews. 

You might find it helpful to read coding blogs or watch tutorials in English.

Communicate Better in Code Reviews with Immigo!

Code reviews are a fantastic opportunity to improve both your coding skills and your English communication. 

Actively engage in them and be open to feedback. Over time, you’ll build better communication skills and confidence.

But developing English skills can be a tough, long process – especially when doing it alone. Immigo can help!

Our dynamic courses have supported thousands of students in speaking English fluently.

Get started today and start communicating more effectively in your software development work!


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