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by living in

San Francisco
New York
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🇺🇸 Scenario: You have to introduce yourself to a new team in San Francisco.
Note: only a few classes are streamed live under students consent.
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Thank you for presenting me.
Thank you for introducing me.
to "present" is typically used for non-people or information. It's better to use "introduce" here which is used for people.
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You compromised me to do the presentation.
You promised me to do the presentation.
to "compromise" is to put something at risk. In this context you want to use "promise" which is to commit to doing something.
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I wanted to discuss about my job and growth opportunities.
I wanted to discuss my role and growth opportunities.
Discuss doesn't need "about" after it and saying "my role" is more natural than saying "my job".
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Time was really passing fast.
Time flew by.
"Time flew by" is more natural and idiomatic, commonly used to express that time passed quickly, especially when you're focused or enjoying yourself. It sounds smoother and less literal than "time was really passing fast."
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It depends of you.
It depends on you.
In English, the verb "depends" is always followed by the preposition "on," not "of." So, the correct structure is "depends on," as in "It depends on you."
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When I ended the meeting.
When I wrapped up the meeting.
"Wrapped up" is a more natural way to say "ended" in this context. "Wrap up" is a common phrase in English that suggests bringing something to a smooth, natural conclusion, which fits well in professional settings.
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I learned to handle the situation that are low time.
I learned to handle situations when there is little time.
The phrase "situations that are low time" is awkward and unclear. "Situations when there is little time" better conveys the idea of dealing with time-constrained situations.
Our students work at:
Immigo is the new way of
learning English through immersion,
backed by science.*
We create an environment that feels almost like you are living abroad (e.g. the United States) through
the Immigo method of learning. Unlike other traditional methods, Immigo gives you real feedback
on your real conversations with real people.
*Note: Immigo is developed based on Stephen Krashen’s immersion theory of second language acquisition is based on the idea that
language is acquired through immersion in an environment where the learner is exposed to comprehensible input. We also follow
curriculum that is based on Cambridge’s CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) standard.
How Immigo works
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Business English
Show up
Our classes are live, around 5 to 15 people, 50 minutes long.

Our sessions are designed to simulate real life situations that happen in English speaking countries like the United States and Canada.
First part of the session: Lesson
First 15 minutes, an experienced native speaker coach will give you a lesson, comprised of different expressions that you will practiceusing in the discussion.
Second part of the session: Immersion
The rest of 35 minutes are dedicated to you practicing what you just learned with 2 to 3 other people.

These are different scenarios and discussion questions based on real life situations.
Check your feedback
After the class, you will get a feedback report on what you can do differently in your next class!
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Your top grammar mistakes
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Ways to speak more naturally
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Advanced vocabulary used
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schedule because of
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Meet our students from
140+ countries
Loved by 10,000+ happy students
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Meet the founders

When we moved to the United States from South Korea, we were incredibly shy and nervous about our English. We couldn’t even order a slice of pizza at a pizza place because of self-consciousness.

What truly helped us was the power of community. We practiced English with friends from 20+ countries and became confident day by day.With this, we wanted to give back and share what we were able to get from this experience. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Chelsea and Ryan ❤️

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